
Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Christmas Playlist (Plus Commentary)

I love Christmas music. I start listening to my CDs and records the day after Thanksgiving. Below is a list of my favorite songs with added commentary. (Note: I am not actually including ALL of my favorites. My Christmas playlist actually contains many, many songs, so I figured that would be way too boring. Enjoy!)

1. "Blue Christmas" Elvis Presley- This is a classic song. It's original and has that Elvis flair. I really enjoy Christmas music even more when Elvis sings it anyway. His version of "Here Comes Santa Claus" is a must hear.

2. "Little Saint Nick" The Beach Boys- The Beach Boys really know how to harmonize. This song is just really cute.

3. "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" Brenda Lee- I cannot help but laugh when I hear this song thanks to a certain Weygandt and her misinterpretation of the words.

4. "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" Bruce Springsteen- "Everybody been good out there? Ah, that's not many, not many. Ya'll are in trouble."

5. "Opera of the Bells" Destiny's Child- This version of the classic song is just beautiful.

6. "Jingle Bells" Frank Sinatra- Frank Sinatra's voice makes me feel like I am living in the 1940s sitting back laughing at some sort of cocktail party. Jingle all the way, you guys.

7. "Up on the Housetop" The Jackson Five- I love how the lyrics to this song have been changed so that they talk about the Jackson kids.

8. "A Wonderful Christmas Time" Paul McCartney- This song just makes me happy. It makes me want to sway from side to side and make a cute face or something.

9. "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" Thurl Ravenscroft- How the Grinch Stole Christmas is definitely my favorite Christmas book and half-hour special. The song for the special fits so perfectly. It has crazy lyrics and Tony the Tiger makes this song amazing. (Did you know the guy who sings this song is Tony the Tiger? You do now.)

10. "Christmas Wrapping" The Waitresses- This song is so cute. It makes me want to bob my head. I cannot get it out of my head despite the fact that I only know the first two lines. This is one of the best modern Christmas songs in my opinion.

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