
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Give Thanks

Everyone has people or things that they are thankful for. At this time of year, we should think about that which we are thankful for and why we appreciate them.

  1. Family- My family means the world to me. When all else fails, family is always there. My parents especially will help me when I need help and try to get me whatever it is that I need.
  2. Friends- Along with my family, I know that my friends are there for me too. They can always cheer me up. All of us are like a family. We are close to each other and I really care about all of them.
  3. My health- Not every person fully realizes how much of a blessing good health is for them. I am a very healthy person, and have generally always been that way. I realize that many families must face horrible diseases, so I am glad that I have been graced with my good health.
  4. Church- Church is a very big part of my life. I am thankful for church because it has shaped me into a good person. The people at my church are always eager to help those in need.
  5. Ballet- As my major hobby, ballet takes up a huge part of my life. Ballet serves as a safe haven for me. I can forget whatever is going on in my life and just dance.
  6. Economic status- Money is not the most important aspect of my life, but no one can deny the fact that money is important. Luckily, my parents work hard so that my family is pretty well-off.
  7. School- Here in Batesville, we have a good education system. I feel that my education here will help me in college later in life. Not only that, but school also keeps me out of trouble. What else would I be getting into if I was not generally occupied with schoolwork?
  8. Our soldiers- I often think about the soldiers that are in foreign lands protecting our country. We live in the best country in the world and I know that the United States would not be so successful without the help of those who are willing to serve it.
  9. My house- I honestly love my house. Of course, I am thankful that I have a house, but the one I have been granted is simply the bomb. I have been allowed to re-do my room, and it fits me perfectly. I will be very upset when I have to leave for college.
  10. Morals- I have been instilled with good morals since I was very young. These morals will help me throughout my life. I am thankful for them since they will benefit me from now on.

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